New to Hockey in Vaughan? Have questions? No Worries - Read through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)!
If you do not find the answer you are looking for, email your question to [email protected]
Our House League Teams are lead by certified Hockey Canada coaches that work very hard to develop both on and off ice skills. Your children will meet other children within the Vaughan Community and having fun is always at the top of the list. For answers to some of the most common questions, see below.
When does the program/season start/end?
The Hockey season normally begins mid September (tentative) of each year. It runs every Saturday and Sunday through to beginning of April. There are a few weekends excluded such as Christmas break and Hockey Tournament Events.
What ages are offered in the CVHA House League?
In the CVHA we offer programs for players aged 4 years old (U5) through to 17 years of age (U18).
How do I Register?
All players are required to register within Hockey Canada Registration systems. Hockey Canada is our Minor Hockey Governing Body and sets the registration criteria. When Hockey Registration opens we will post a LINK prominently on our home page.

Is Registration complicated?
Not at all, but you will require an email address. There are 2 steps to a successful registration.
1st you must Register yourself as the parent, 2nd you must upload your child’s information and add them to your shopping cart. You only need 1 Family Account for all children in your household. Your initial year you will have to upload both you and your child’s information. After that you are only required to move the player into the new season.
What does it cost to play in the CVHA House League?
Please refer to the House League Fees page for this information or click here for a direct link.
What is included in my House League registration fee?
Inclusions depend on the age group. The basics are hockey jersey and hockey socks, games, practices, year end banquet or team party with awards & player pictures.
Can I pay online?
Yes, you can pay by credit card online.
How will I be contacted regarding the season start date?
We will prominently post onto our website when registration opens. If you have played with us in the past you will also receive emails announcing the opening of registration. Once your child is registered and paid, our office will reach out by email to confirm your registration. Emails will be issued from [email protected] regarding the first ice session. After the first session, a CVHA Convenor and/or Coach will contact you regarding team placement for the balance of the season.
What arenas does the CVHA house league play in?
The mandate put forth by the City of Vaughan is that the CVHA utilize all the hockey arenas in Vaughan (listed below).
Al Palladini Community Centre
Garnet Community Centre
Maple Community Centre
Rosemount Community Centre
The Sports Village
Woodbridge Memorial Arena
You can see more about each arena HERE!
When do teams play and practice?
House League programming occurs on Saturdays and Sundays.
How old must my child be to play in the CVHA?
Your child must be 4 years old by the end of the current year.
Can girls play hockey in the CVHA?
Most definitely! We are a CO-ED league and actively welcome anyone who wants to play in the CVHA!
Can I request that my child play with his friend for car-pooling purposes?
With our primary goal of forming competitively balanced divisions, we are not accepting requests to play together, nor can we guarantee that your child will be on the same team with their friends or other family members. Hockey is a fun sport and is a fantastic way to make new friends and contribute to social development!
Should I contact the CVHA office for information regarding my Childs team, division, or schedule?
Unfortunately, at the start of the season the CVHA Office will not have access to team, division, or arena schedules. These will be communicated to you in October by the Coaches and Convenors in each division. During the season, all team schedules will be posted online with the most up to date information and should be the resource used.
What equipment do I need to purchase for my child?
For a detailed description of what equipment you require and a HOCKEY EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST you can print out and take with you, please see under the "General Info" tab for "Hockey Equipment 101" or click HERE to be taken right to the checklist!
Want to be a Goalie?
We encourage those that want to be goalies to make sure to register as a goalie, and you will be notified by the league and coaches of when equipment will be available for pick-up before the season starts. Please note, we have a new fee structure for Goalies in the U10 division and higher.
Please see the section GOALIES IN HOUSE LEAGUE for more detailed information. In divisions where there are more teams than goalies, the CVHA reserves the right to not assign goalies to a permanent team, but rather rotate them between teams in the division. We have implemented this strategy based on feedback from our Convenors, Coaches, and parents.
The CVHA also provides use of free goalie equipment to those who sign up as goalies from the U10 to the U18 age levels. Having available goalie equipment allows for those who may want to try playing but are not ready to invest in a full set of gear without knowing if they want to continue. It helps in reducing the cost to those that play in net by providing the specialized equipment (Chest protector, catching glove, blocker, leg pads and throat protection, and a hockey bag for it all).
How do I print/receive my receipt?
You should print off your receipt after your registration is complete. It will also be emailed direct from Hockey Canada. If lost, you can login into the registration portal with your username and password and print off another copy of the receipt.
Do I have to re-enter player information every year?
No you do not. Player information will be retained every year after being input the first time and if editing needs to take place after payment please contact the CVHA office.
How can I get a refund?
For refund information please click on the following link: Refund Form & Refund Policy