U12 - U13 Players Born 2013 & 2012, CVHA House League (City of Vaughan Hockey)

PrintU12 - U13 Players Born 2013 & 2012
Program Description

Players born U12 (2013) and U13 (2012)

The House League program will start mid September thru to early April

Program offers 25 weekends of hockey.

Hockey Canada Certified Coaches
Referees & Timekeepers
Hockey Jersey and Hockey Socks Provided
Hockey Canada Insurance
Round Robin Play Off Format.
Championship Day with on Ice Awards and Trophy presentation! 
Year End Banquet with Awards, Trophies and Pictures for everyone!


Are you a goalie in the CVHA?
The CVHA can provide the use of free goalie equipment to help with the increased cost of the position. 
For more information please click
 HERE and contact the office with any questions!

Registration Fee for this program is: $865
Early Bird Registration discount Fee of $825 is available until July 3, 2024.
Goalie Fee - $400
 (see more about Being a Goalie in House League HERE)