General Information, Vaughan Rangers Early Bird AA, 2023-2024 (City of Vaughan Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintGeneral Information

Vaughan Rangers AA Early Bird Registration ---Fee for all divisions is $1700.00---4 GAME GUARANTEE



Tournament is available to U11, U13, U15, U17 & U18 teams only

Under the Participating Teams tab we are posting teams that have registered and paid.
The list is Alpha sorted by division, not by playing groups. Groups will be made once all registrations are completed for a division.

Teams MUST provide a Hockey Canada Roster & League Travel Permit . We require them in advance of the Tournament to ensure you are a eligible to participate and are placed in the correct division. ONLY Players and Team Officials on approved Hockey Canada Rosters will be permitted to participate. No acceptations will be made.

The City of Vaughan Hockey Association/Vaughan Rangers will offer partial refunds of fees paid to any team who withdraws from the tournament. Refunds will only be issued based on Tournament Committee replacing the withdrawing team with another team. Should the Tournament Committee find a replacement team, the difference in Entry Fee charged to the replacement team (not to exceed 50%) will be deducted. Should the Tournament Committee not be able to replace the withdrawing team, then the entire fee paid will be withheld. There will be an $100.00 admin fee deducted from all withdrawals. All refunds will be issued by cheque and made payable to the individual who paid the entry fee. Please allow 4-6 weeks after tournament for refund to arrive.


1) It is not the practice of the CVHA/Vaughan Rangers to accept teams into a division they are not Rostered to. Example, Only AA Rostered teams will be accepted in the Early Bird Tournament. If you register, pay and then you are determined not to be a AA team, you registration will be cancelled and fees refunded less Admin costs.

2) Hotel Policy:

As a term of condition for acceptance into our Tournament , Teams requiring hotels, must stay in one of the Local Host Hotels as outlined in the Tournament Hotel Tab.  Should you have any issues booking with one of the Host Hotels, you must contact our Office ASAP. Acceptance to Tournament is contingent on only using Host Hotels